Clan Names / Izithakazelo / Iziduko zakwaMbotho

Mbotho Family Gathering - Zimbane
A clan is a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship and descent. Even if lineage details are unknown, clan members may be organized around a founding member or apical ancestor. Clans can be most easily described as tribes or sub-groups of tribes. The word clan is derived from 'clann' meaning 'family' in the Irish and Scottish Gaelic languages. Clans preceded more centralized forms of community organization and government; they are located in every country. Members may identify with a coat of arms or other symbol to show they are an independent clan.

In different cultures and situations, a clan may mean the same thing as other kin-based groups, such as tribes and bands. Often, the distinguishing factor is that a clan is a smaller part of a larger society such as a tribe, a chiefdom, or a state.Clans in indigenous societies are likely to be exogamous, meaning that their members cannot marry one another. In some societies, clans may have an official leader such as a chieftain or patriarch; in others, leadership positions may have to be achieved, or people may say that 'elders' make decisions.
Mbothos as a clan practise Zulu and Xhosa cultures and our clan names reflect this. Below is a list of the clan names found in both cultures. The similarities within the clan names do confirm that we are one family. The list is not exhaustive and is a live list. We do encourage people to come forward with any other clan names that have been left behind, so that we can include them in the list and update it as we move along.

Mbotho, Mazama, Mtshikilana, Myalo, Fulela mfaz' olivila kuyanetha, Sibasa manzini kuvuth' umlilo, Nyawo zibomvu nokuba zinentsente, Ntsindane, Malala nentombi ivuke ithi ndizeke, Sibasa Manzini kuvith’umlilo, Thoyane.

Mbotho, Ncamane, Toyane, Yalo, Mtshikilani, Amahlamvu Ayahluma Kusehlotyeni, Umalandelwa yintombi iti ndizeke, Umabona nkomo, Umabasa emanzini kuqhuma umlilo


  1. ndingu Mbongo, Ndima, Nqalela, Levundo, Mbuyisa, Malebeni, Setedi-Monokoa, Mpondo


    unga phek'amavila uphek'iskhuthali
    shoabate Thokozani Mabongo

  2. Ngiyisizukulwana sika mpeshu ngicela usizo ngifisa ukwazi uyise wakhe nomndeni wakhe NGOba ngizwa kuthiwa sisoka e harding ngo kwakha singapha ema bheleni 0810460601inamba yami ngifisa ukuhlanganisa umndeni mekukhona okwenza ukuthi umkhulu umpeshu abaleke kubo sizame ukukulungisa

    1. Sawubona I am one of his grandchildren I heard from my father’s brother we based in Harding kwamachi plz locate me on fb Maccosy mbotho Camagu okumhlophe

  3. Ndim uManelisi Mbotho, Mshikilana Tolo Myalo Mazama-usbasamanzin kuvuthu mlilo....

    Phambil ngoMbotho phambili💪Shift_L

  4. Ngicela ningopha izithakazelo zakwa Madikane

  5. Ngicela ukwazi ogcogco bangobani bevelakupi

  6. Hai bo Mazama ndingu Mkramnca Zotsho Mthond'uvuzelenyweni ngu Mbotho ke lowo ndima nokubulisa la ekhayeni camagu

  7. Ndingu Mambotho, Umamyalo, usilisa uMazama, kutetwa nam ke apha

  8. Ndingu Mbotho, ka Sgayi, ka Landela, kaNjilo, ka Mashu, iZotshwa eli mnyama elingafanelanga ukufa

    1. Mna ke ndingu Zotsho, kaNjilo, kaSgayi, kaMatsha, kaLandela. IZotsho elimnyana elingafanelanga ukufa, le nkomo ezibomvu, Maroboqolozana angano lalendle zoko elahlekile, ngoba kwa chama a maduna, a zala amathokazi.

  9. Ngumboto myalo mazama thoyane mtshikikane ntsindane fulela mfazi kuyanetha malandelwa yintombi ithi ndizeke sibasa Manzini kuvuthe umlilo ngxasho uzokhula wena

  10. Ndicela nindincede ngolwazi xa kukho onalo, ufuna imvelaphi kaBhamla/Pamla

  11. Mathoyana mambotho mamyalo sikhuni sajuleka ebumnyameni amahlamvu ayahluma noba kuse hlotyeni abantu abadla ngendebe endala @ Ngqeleni Ngonyameni

  12. Ngicela ningichazela ngomlando wesbongo sakaMzukwa /Mbotho please

  13. Mambotho please take my number sibene youth event sifundisane sikhulisane. My number is 0687999787.

  14. Ndicela uncedo ngezithakazelo zamaGebe, oStemela

  15. Mbotho Myalo Fulela kwanetha Mazama Mtshikila Tolo Thoyane Mpula Ntsindane.


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